Shannon Muir Reviews Batula



Writer: Steven T. Seagle

Illustrator: Marco Cinello

Publisher:Man of Action Studios/Image Comics

ISBN-10: 160706572X

ISBN-13: 978-1607065722


Livingston is a fruit bat in a country orchard who feels out of place. So, despite warnings, he goes one day to check out the big city. In the city, he finds a bat in a cage that he thinks needs help… but instead this mean bat bites him and makes him a vampire bat! Finding it even harder to fit in, Livingston runs away from home again and finds a spider mentor who helps him hone his new skills and create the identity of BATULA. When an unexpected crisis arises, can Livingston use the new skills he’s learned as BATULA to save the day? Written by Steven T. Seagle (part of Man of Action Studios), and drawn by Marc Cinello (whose credits include work on SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS), this book is both humorous and touching for young audiences.

Disclosure:  A free copy of this book was furnished by the publisher for review via Netgalley, but providing a copy did not guarantee a review. This information is provided per the regulations of the Federal Trade Commission.

Author: ShMuir

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