Posted in Childrens

The Ti­a Lola Book Giveaway!!

Posted in Childrens Featured Posts

Why Ti­a Lola and I Love Sayings: A Guest Post by Author Julia Alvarez

Posted in Cybils Featured Posts

The Cybils – Year 5

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Pardon Our Dust

Posted in Random

4th Estate’s Lovely Papercraft Animation – City of Books

Posted in Non-Fiction Reviews

Reality Check

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Hispanic Book Contest Winner and a Donation

Posted in Childrens Poetry Reviews

Hip Hop Speaks to Children

Posted in Cybils

Sol & the Cybils 2008

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Ana Castillo Reading/Signing – Avon Breast Cancer Fundraiser

Posted in Non-Fiction

In Memory of the Fallen, Tlatelolco 1968

Posted in Cybils

A Note From Jen Robinson – Cybils 2008