Leading to and during the recently passed FIFA World Cup, Johnson & Johnson was inspired to make the world a more caring place through their unique “Care Inspires Care” program, which shines a spotlight on community members who do extraordinary acts of care for others like donating blood to help save lives. Help us celebrate the spirit of caring together to continue to spread more care in the world!
Renowned children’s author Patricia Lakin is one of these acts, who joined this ‘caring’ effort when she visited a NYC elementary school to talk to children about her views on caring as portrayed in her book “Once Upon a Care ”. Lakin worked with illustrators to transform the children’s stories into books, which the children read to their parents, providing a unique glimpse into how a parent’s actions can positively impact how their children see the world and engage in acts of care. People can download a digital copy of the book after watching this video and for each download, J&J will donate a hardcopy of the book to a school library.
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Preview YouTube video Care Inspires Care, celebrating our caring impact together
Care Inspires Care, celebrating our caring impact together
Preview YouTube video Once Upon A Care
Once Upon A Care